Moonlit Jazz is now its own domain, making its unofficial debut on 16 April 2005. This site is hosted by and brought to you by WordPress! The current layout is Dreamplace.
The previous layout is Greenflower Almost Boxes (green). It’s rather plain, but it matches my Coppermine Gallery almost perfectly now! Woohoo! I am in the market for a new top banner. I whipped up the current one from one of the pictures from Hawaii. But I miss my boys. 🙂 The new banner is Jensen Ackles in one of my favorite shots. Gee, wonder why. 😉
The previous layout is Audyasha. And I’m still using the top banner by the marvelous Wah. 😉
The previous layout is a variation of Landzilla and features Jensen Ackles. The top banner was created by the most fantastic Wah. 🙂The previous layout was a variation of Landzilla and featured Mark Mulder. The top banner was created by the wonderful Wah. 🙂
The previous layout is a variation of narnia and features my most favorite baseball fellow, Mark Mulder. The top banner was made by Wah. Wah, I love it when you’re bored!!! 😀 I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Mulder banner. Ahhhh. 😀
The former layout featured my suddenly current favorite fellow, George Eads. The top banner was made by Wah and I just had to use it because it’s just so lovely. Don’t you agree? 😉 The screencaptures are from the 3rd season CSI episode “Let the Seller Beware.”
The previous layout featured my current favorite fellows (not necessarily in this order of affection, but in the order of appearance): William Gregory Lee, George Eads, and Mark Mulder. George plays Nick Stokes on CSI, Mulder throws the baseball for the Cardinals, and Greg lets me do a fansite on him.
Until I can figure out what exactly I’m doing here, I will probably just fiddle with other layouts to make them more personal. I do so without any intention of infringing on anyone’s rights, etc. 🙂
Thank you to all the folks who take the time to read my blog of A’s rants and raves, boycrazy swooning, and other musings.
– This means that the A’s won! 😀
– This means that the A’s lost or I have something baseball oriented to say…
– Means I’m listening to some music…
GALLERY – the place where I’m archiving the photos featured at the previous Moonlit Jazz. You will also find personal pictures from various events, etc. I’m hoping to move the photos from to We shall see. Some of the photos DO NOT belong to me. I have posted many AP photos of various baseball players. You’ll be able to figure out which ones I mean. 😉
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